Monday 14 May 2007

红豆汤 / Red Bean Soup

红豆 / Red Bean
果皮 / Dried Mandarin skin (1 small piece)
Pandan leaves
Sugar / 冰糖 Rock Sugar

1. Wash the red bean once and drain.

2. Put red bean, dried mandarin skin, pandan leaves and water in a pot and bring it to boil till the bean is soft.

3. Soak the sago in a bowl of hot water, cover it for at least 10 minutes or till the sago is transparent.

4. Stir in the sago and mix well with the red bean soup.

5. Add sugar to taste.

6. Ready to serve.


1. You may serve this cold. Just leave the soup to cool and keep in the refrigerator.
2. You may serve this with some 淡奶/Evaporated milk or Coconut milk for creamy taste.