Miss this so so much....
Well, the only way to ease my craving is to find way to make it myself... say me crazy and mad- YES I am :)
So I did some research online, thanks to Sabra as I finally found her website-the recipe she used is with no ice cream maker required, SWEET! because I don't have a ice cream maker. So this recipe just fit my requirement, Perfect!
So I gave it a try, it's so simple and DELICIOUS!!!
Well, the only way to ease my craving is to find way to make it myself... say me crazy and mad- YES I am :)
So I did some research online, thanks to Sabra as I finally found her website-the recipe she used is with no ice cream maker required, SWEET! because I don't have a ice cream maker. So this recipe just fit my requirement, Perfect!
So I gave it a try, it's so simple and DELICIOUS!!!
350ml Milk
250gm Sugar
6 egg yolk
4 tbsp Green tea powder (aka Matcha powder)
350ml cream
1. Mix green tea powder and 4 tbsp of sugar in a bowl. Mix in some warm milk and stir until you get a smooth paste.
2. Mix milk, sugar, the green tea paste and whisked egg yolk into a pot.
250gm Sugar
6 egg yolk
4 tbsp Green tea powder (aka Matcha powder)
350ml cream
1. Mix green tea powder and 4 tbsp of sugar in a bowl. Mix in some warm milk and stir until you get a smooth paste.
2. Mix milk, sugar, the green tea paste and whisked egg yolk into a pot.
3. Heat the mixture over fire or double boiler (I used double boiler method, as I am a bit scare I might not be able to control the heat)
4. Keep stiring and cooking the mixture with a wooden spoon over the heat until you get a custard like consistency. (until the mixture coats the back of the spoon)
5. Remove the mixture from heat, strain through a fine sieve and leave it to cool.
6. Whip the cream in a dry mixing bowl.
7. Mix the cool green tea milk mixture into the whipped cream.
8. Freeze it for a few hours, as ice crystals start to form, take it out from the freezer. Use a wooden spoon to stir vigorously to break them up and mix it well. Then return the mixture to the freezer continue to freeze. Repeat this a few times as it freezes to ensure that the ice cream is smooth. (I did this process twice, and the final result is good enough for me-Yummy!)
9. Ready to serve!
p/s: I have make some red bean paste to go with it :) Grean Tea ice cream and red bean paste is great combination!
Itadakimasu (いただきます) aka "bon appétit"

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